Defensive Driving
Defensive Driving $45.00
Defensive Driving Classes May be taken three times in 12 Month period if court allows for traffic dismissals.
You may earn Insurance discounts of 10% (approximately) applicable for the next three years. NOTE: If you take this course for an insurance discount only, You may earn insurance discount of approximately 10% for the next
three years. (We advise you checking with your insurance provider for exact discount amount.) Also you can only take defensive driving for insurance discount once every three years.
Defensive Driving Packages Include:
6 Hours of classroom instruction
Road rules and regulations
Dealing with emergencies
City, highway, rural driving
Weather and traffic conditions
Effects of alcohol, drugs, inattention, fatigue, and road rage
Certificate for Ticket Dismissal will be mailed to you after you complete the class. If you are taking the class for insurance discount, then you will leave the class with Certifiicate in hand. That is why it's very important to let us know if you need the class for ticket dismissal or just an insurance discount.